Thursday, March 22, 2007

count your blessing, dear

This is what I felt yesterday..

Feels like shouting on top of my lung, kicking and crashing my head at the wall! Arghh!! Shit!Stupid F*&^!Shit, Shit! Hmm..I suppose this is how it must feel if you’re lamenting on the fact when you just sold off your share at the stock market and for the love of my life, The price keep zooming up right after that!! Aiyoh..really, this stock market thingy is not for faint hearted people. It really cranks you up, you know. The anticipation and endless guessing (and praying) for the price to go up and when it reached your target price, you’ll decided to sell and you thought you will be content (and thankful) but no, dear! You will feel even worse when the price keep going up and up! At least that’s what I’m feeling right now. Like this bitter taste in my mouth and regretful thinking I’m having inside my head. If only I’d more patient and had more guts to wait for higher price. Arghh! Damn it! Let it go, Chah. Rezeki di tangan Allah swt kan. Really, I know I’ve been blessed in so many ways. For that, I’m most thankful to God.
And today, I (try to) feel content. Alhamdulillah..and not to check the share market website. okeh, must get back to work.
Listen : I'm your angel - Celine Dion & R. Kelly

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