Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mid week rambles

Hi y'all..

It’s Wednesday. Only mid week and I’m having a mild Wednesday Blues. If you thought that there’s only Monday blues, boy, you’re wrong. It could be Tuesday blues and Thursday blues too. But never on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Why you ask me? It’s weekend, dear. And nobody’s feeling blue on weekend (except Chelsea fan, of course!). And if you do, well you better sit and analyze on what went so wrong that you can’t find things or places that could cheer you up even on weekends? I love Saturday most. Waking up and knowing that you don’t have to get ready for work is quite bliss. The next sensible thing that my mind can conjure up is of course to continue my slumber. How about you?

On a separate note, I ate the Pais Ikan Tilapia last saturday. Yeay! Here’s the proof. Let me know if you want the receipe.

Listen : I'm yours - Jason Mraz

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