Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Long weekend ahead

Hi all.
It's already wednesday. In anticipating the long weekend starting this Friday, I am inundated with so many plans and some errands to do. But then, we'll see if I have the will & strong enough to dive and join the throngs of people doing their shopping for Aidil Fitri festival this weekend.
See, this friday 27/8 is a Public Holiday for Nuzul Quran Day (17th Day of Ramadhan) and next Tuesday 31/8 will be Malaysia's 53rd Independence Day. I just applied for 1 day leave for Monday 30/8 and there, a nice 5 days weekend to enjoy. Kinda neat, eh?
No definite plan yet as of today. But I know I'll be driving back to Hometown for Iftar with family.
If weather permits, I might drive further to coastal area and hit the beach? during fasting days? hmm..not impossible and why not?
Anyway, I'll leave you with this video of lady Antebellum - need you now. This is quite sad song. But at the same time, kinda uplifting. Oh well, you can either like it or hate it, I don't mind a bit.
(Just hit 'pause' button of the mixpod playlist on the right side menu bar, if you want to play this video. thanks & enjoy it love!)

1 comment:

PatinPasta said...


5 days, eh? That's cool! One thing bout fasting when not working is, tunggu masa berbuka terasa sungguh lama! :D

I do really admire people who do their shopping in Ramadan. The thirst, hunger or getting tired are not the problem.. the huge crowd everywhere is. If you do go shopping Shue, pack loads of patience with you :D

Have a wonderful long weekend!