Saturday, August 14, 2010


Right, so we're well into first few days of fasting. Hope all is well with you.

I had recently went to watch the movie ' Salt' . Unless you are a die hard fan of Angelina Jolie and her kick-ass moves, you'll find this a bit of stereotype and almost similar to her previous action flicks (re: Tomb Raider, Mr& Mrs. Smith & Wanted) Having said that, in all fairness the story lines are all different, but seeing her in all too familiar moves and super cool capabilities kind of make you appreciate her more in film like Changeling. In the film, Jolie is Evelyn Salt who is CIA Agent and accused of being a KGB sleeper agent and on the run to clear her name. More can be read here

Ok. Have a great day!

Listen : Bad Romance - lady Gaga

1 comment:

PatinPasta said...


So did you like the movie then?

Dunno why but I'm not that into Jolie. I think it's like you said, too stereotype.

* love Johnny Depp yang suka bawak watak berbeza