Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Damn it! Why did he send message at YM to me anymore? Owh, Man! To be reminded of that unfortunate episode. Honestly, there is nothing to be sorry about and I had long moved on. Surely, I can attest to the fact that nothing well ever came out of my love life. It was practically a muddy business, poisonous, dark clouds and hazardous all around. Believe me, I am such a loser in love. The repetitive question of whether will I find the happiness? Ok, still no answer for that. I’m almost a non-believer in love now. Seriously, to be hurt time and time again, I just don’t have the courage left in me. I’m scarred, drained and numb. Let me just keep whatever left of my shredded feelings to me. Let me nurse these wounded heart of mine.Alone.

But then, as much as I’m harping on how unlucky I am, I still have some positive thinking in me. I know this pain will pass and I’ll be fine again. It is as if I’m wired that way. We all have different ways of dealing with our broken hearts but if we didn’t come out of it and ready to face this life, then life would not be much meaningful anymore. And that’s my friend, is one thing I won’t waste away. There are so much more to life than just love and been in love with a partner/boyfriend/husband. Granted, love completes our life, but the definition of love itself, is huge and also includes our parents, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and why, of course our dear friends! So yeah, come to think of it, I’m not a total loser. But then, since when do I care what people think of me? Enough rambling now and I’m off to find some comfort food.
Listen : Try sleeping with a broken heart - Alicia Keys

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