Thursday, June 03, 2010

Tick Tock

Rain falls. Sun shines. And yes, it is already June folks! We are already in the second half of this year. And yet, it felt just like yesterday we’re welcoming the year 2010. I’m astonished at how fast time flies. This fact never ceases to amaze me. To think, that 154 days have gone by just like that. Erghh! Why is it so hard for me to learn the lesson? I always feel that I have not fully maximized the usage of time (24 hours in a day) appropriately. And yet, it’s not that I’m not aware the importance of time management, working on your checklist etc etc. But then again, I can just be the classic case of procrastinator in a snap. When it strikes out - that’s the end of it. At that point, I might just say goodbye to all the efficiency and deadline out of the window. It’s bad. I did not recommend it at all and if you insist to be one, I disclaim myself from being responsible of any bad effects from your actions. Seriously.

Listen: Oh My God - Usher

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blog is great~~祝你人氣高高~.................................................................